Monday, October 01, 2007

Imagine great title here!

I have been crocheting quite a bit this week.
I finished 4 hats and have a fifth about 1/2 way done.
I was going to wait until I finished with it and post a fab pic of all 5 and the 2 pairs of magic 28 socks that are finished instead I give you this:

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My pinky ty hamster named Rosa sitting on top of licorice peaches and cream dish cloth cotton , that by the way made an awesome dishcloth.

I am celebrating Socktober Fest by working with some of my extensive sock yarn stash.
And working on this:

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My sock yarn blanket, still very small, but I'm working on it while I catch up on Cast-On, that I just discovered.

I also have 3 pairs of socks on the needles that I would like to finish this month, however they are all still on the first socks:
First a pair of lornas laces socks on the needles, first one is past the heel,working on the gusset.
Second is the tofutsies first sock on the gusset
Third socks are trekking xxl almost to the toe on the first sock.
No christmas knitting this week.

I have however been hiding something from you, I need to rip the back of Britts sweater because it's about 6 sizes to big, and I've just been letting it lay there, on top the dresser totally in denial.So let us move on, I'll come back to it in a few weeks when I'm a bit less distrought over the whole situation...


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